new license.

I lost my license a couple weeks ago and had to get another one. On the way to the tag agency I stopped by Michael's Craft Store and grabbed some stickers and stuck them on my face.

Also, if you look closely, you can see a fake bluejay peeking his head into the bottom of the photo. I should have used a cardinal, it wouldn't have blended in with my shirt so much. The lady at the tag agency was confused and reluctant to cooperate, but after I spouted off some bullshit about how "the law only requires the eyes and mouth to be unobstructed in a government issued I.D.", she agreed to take the photo. Afterwards, she xeroxed it and hung it up on their wall and I wasn't sure what to think about that. She'll probably get in trouble by her supervisor for this. Or I will.

I am very excited about getting my license renewed in a couple months. I'm thinking about changing the words on my head every time I get a new license and writing a long run-on sentence over time. As my hair disappears I'll probably be able to fit some pictures up there. Maybe even a giant exclamation mark.

Year 1: "Help"
Year 2: "Me"
Year 3: "I'm"
Year 4: "Getting"
Year 5: "Older"
Year 6: "And"
Year 7: "Crazier."